bespoke clothing

for babies and toddlers

1 - Pick a Style

2 - Pick a Fabric

3 - Bespoke

KIT+CASS is closed while I catch up with orders. Please keep updated with us on Instagram
@kitandcassuk and we will be open again very soon! 💛


Wendy Annone

store owner

Welcome to KIT+CASS, I'm Wendy.

We're a boutique fashion business run from our draughty little Victorian house in Ipswich. It's me, my husband Chris, our boy Cassian, and two kitty cats Chilli and Basil. I'm fabrics and sewing, Chris is design and tending plants (100's of them).

I LOVE clothes, and for me, there are 3 rules to the look:

#1 Stand out from the crowd

#2 Look magnificent

#3 Feel magical

If you're like me then kids change your focus. Them first, then.... well, he's just my world now. So, what to do with the new focus? Apply the 3 rules of fashion for him! From the maternity ward to the nursery, he's stood out from the small person crowd. Magical magnificence personified. I'm jealous of his wardrobe and I made it!

Downtime now is an endless quest to find beautiful, unique fabrics to make Cassian something new. Soon, I had a fabric back catalogue to rival Bianca del Rio herself.

From that, KIT+CASS was born. Choose your style, choose your fabric, make it unique.

We're only small but we want to do things in the right way. Our ambition is to encourage a circular economy, package things ecologically and try to reduce our impact wherever we can. We're not fully there yet, but we will be trying our best to a achieve this. See our One Planet Child product and customisations for more detail.

Thank you so much for coming to visit us and keeping us busy. When we aren't sewing (and working and parenting), you can find Chris tending to his enormous collection of house and garden plants. He's not really one for down time! I'll be on the sofa with a Sauvignon Blanc and RuPaul on TV.

I hope you like our site
